Alexander Barnes-Ross is an activist campaigning for an end to Scientology’s abusive practices in the United Kingdom.
Since first speaking out as an ex-Scientologist in 2023, Alex Barnes-Ross has become an outspoken critic and advocate for survivors of abuse within the organisation, campaigning for legislative change and securing international press coverage.
In response, the Church of Scientology have instigated a prolific campaign of targeted harassment, a practice known as ‘Fair Game’, through which they have published numerous hate websites, articles and thousands of social media posts in an attempt to damage his credibility and intimidate him into silence.
His activism efforts have focused on separating beliefs from behaviours and he has consistently campaigned for an end to Scientology’s abusive practices such as forced abortions, familial disconnection (shunning) and harassment of critics. Contrary to the statements published by Scientology officials, Alex Barnes-Ross has kept kindness and compassion at the heart of his work and frequently directs people to resources such as The Aftermath Foundation, which provides resources for those leaving Scientology.
The Truth About Alex Barnes-Ross: Former Scientologist Turned Activist
As a teenager, Alex Barnes-Ross worked as a recruiter at the Church of Scientology in London. In 2014, he was declared a ‘Potential Trouble Source’ after raising concerns about the impact Scientology’s interrogations were having on his mental health. He continued studying courses from home until around 2016, and began speaking out on Youtube under the name ‘Apostate Alex‘ several years later.
In October 2023, he arranged a protest outside Scientology’s UK headquarters near East Grinstead which was reported in The Guardian as the largest demonstration since the Anonymous movement 15 years earlier.
In the days leading up to the protest, Newsweek quoted Barnes-Ross explaining “The protest will be a peaceful demonstration carrying a message of compassion—we want to let Scientologists know there is a community of people here to support them if they choose to leave.”
In response, a Scientology spokesperson said “A small handful of bigots are publicizing their intent to harass a religious convocation and in the process trying to attract the attention of tabloid media. Their claims are untrue and utterly ludicrous.
“Alexander Barnes-Ross was kicked out of the Church over a decade ago. No one heard from him until he joined and promoted a hate group online.”
The following year, Scientology submitted a request for Mid Sussex District Council to implement a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), which would ban protests outside its Saint Hill headquarters. Speaking to BBC News, Barnes-Ross called the move a “direct threat to our freedom of speech and right to protest”, adding the aim of the ban was to “shut down and silence critics.” The Council is currently reviewing the evidence it gathered during a protest in October 2024 and is expected to reach a decision in the summer of 2025.
Advocacy, Activism, and the Fight for Justice
Despite Scientology’s attempts to silence Alex Barnes-Ross, he has continued to fight for survivors of abuse and campaign for greater scrutiny and legislative change. He provides a platform for former members to share their stories on his Youtube channel and reports on Scientology-related news on his blog, Scientology Business.
In 2024, he met with a Member of Parliament in Westminster to propose changes to the Serious Crime Act 2015, which made coercive control a criminal offence. The existing legislation only applies to close, personal and family relationships within a domestic setting, with Barnes-Ross seeking to expand its scope so that it includes the relationship one might have with a group or religious minister.
As a result of his efforts in this area, in February 2025 he was invited to speak at the National Working Group on Spiritual and Religious Abuse, which was set up by Parliament to influence policymakers and advocate for survivors.
In March 2025, The Observer reported on the online harassment Barnes-Ross has received as a result of Scientology’s ongoing ‘Fair Game’ tactics. The article was one of the top 5 most-read articles on The Guardian website that day and details a prolific smear campaign aimed at discrediting his work to expose Scientology’s abusive practices. “Over the past six months, Barnes-Ross has faced a barrage of abuse – with 6,000 posts targeted at him on X alone,” journalist Shanti Das wrote.